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Office cleaning Melbourne CBD: The Importance of Office Cleaning

Office cleaning can be time-consuming and laborious, but it is essential in creating an infection-free workplace environment. Proper sanitation measures must be implemented throughout every area in the workplace to guarantee maximum hygiene standards are upheld.

CFMFacilities office cleaning Melbourne CBDStart by emptying trash cans in the lobby and at each employee’s desk, organising employees to take turns emptying their cans weekly. Alternatively, you can hire CFMFacilities office cleaning Melbourne CBD to help you.

Sweep floors and vacuum surfaces with wide attachments, narrow attachments and dusting brush attachments for best results. Sanitise all touch surfaces, such as elevator buttons and flush handles, which receive regular use to keep the area germ-free.


An essential aspect of a business setting is providing comfortable restrooms for employees and guests. Dirty or smelly toilets can harm morale and productivity, spreading diseases or germs to staff and visitors.

Avoid knocking repeatedly on an office restroom door when someone is inside; this is extremely rude and may make them feel unwelcome. Also, before entering, double-check that all locks are secure; smoking in restrooms can leave an unpleasant scent behind, so if possible, avoid doing it.

Maintaining the cleanliness of an office restroom between official cleaning visits can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to keep them looking spotless between professional services. When your CFMFacilities office cleaning Melbourne CBD enters, they should ensure no guests are present before beginning cleaning activities; additionally, they should post a caution sign or block the restroom entrance with their cart so potential users know that work is in progress.


Office break rooms provide employees with an oasis of calm to recharge, connect with colleagues and recharge. However, they can also become breeding grounds for bacteria and germs; keeping your break room clean and sanitary can prevent germs from spreading further while decreasing sick days and increasing employee morale.

Daily vacuum your office kitchen and break room floors using a multi-layered vacuum cleaner designed to capture microscopic dust and dirt particles, thus preventing the spread of germs onto food prep surfaces, high-touch items or employee shoes. For mopping purposes, use microfiber mop heads that remove bacteria rather than simply pushing it around.

Encourage employees to use hand sanitiser before visiting the refrigerator or eating lunch to prevent germs from the break room from spreading through their desk, keyboard or phone and ultimately the entire organisation. As well as regularly cleaning and disinfecting their break room, commercial cleaning services may offer deep cleaning services for greater coverage between visits.

Office Spaces

Employees in an office environment should prioritise maintaining clean workspaces. A messy or disorganised area can make employees less productive, and having a clean work area helps maintain customer and client satisfaction. Thus, it is only reasonable to hire CFMFacilities office cleaning Melbourne CBD to help maintain the work area’s cleanliness.

To maintain clean and organised shared workspaces, it is necessary to regularly declutter these areas and clean surfaces with disinfectant wipes – such as desks, chairs, and tabletops – using disinfectant. Reading materials such as magazines and books should also be discarded, when necessary, while any additional objects or plants within a workspace must also be regularly organised and cleaned up before their presence can cause clutter or disorganisation.

If your employee often works from home, providing them with a clean and organised workspace may help keep them focused and productive and be an excellent way to recruit talent into your company!

Public Areas

Clean work environments aren’t only great for employee morale; they’re essential to overall health and safety. Research indicates that viruses and bacteria can remain on surfaces for hours or even days after being touched – this makes disinfection and cleaning essential for businesses year-round.

Your employees should take great care to regularly wash their hands and follow CDC guidelines when cleaning their desks and common areas, but having CFMFacilities office cleaning Melbourne CBD on call to keep public areas such as hallways, lobbies, and reception areas clean is also key to an office setting. These spaces require regular vacuuming or dry dusting depending on surface materials and wet mopping with solutions appropriate to each space before being wiped down using solutions designed to be safe for them.