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Meaningless Dance 15

The Best Lightsabers in the Galaxy

A Jedi uses the lightsaber as their weapon of choice. Elegant yet effective, its blade can slice through blast doors or enemies while deflecting blaster bolts for deflection or reflection.

Saber Force collectionTo fashion a Saber Force collection lightsaber, a Jedi or Sith must first mine a Kyber Crystal from Ilum and use the Force to bond it.

Bendu Armory

Quality hilts can make or break a lightsaber. For maximum durability and effective duelling or costume use, look for heavy-grade blades made of thick materials like metal or acrylic – these provide added strength to ensure it won’t bend easily during duelling or other activities.

Your blade length and width should also be taken into consideration. A comfortable saber should fit your hand snugly without feeling too heavy or light to swing. Furthermore, its weight must remain balanced; otherwise, it could shake when used.

Some lightsabers feature LED light strips and multiple blade configurations, perfect for fans looking to craft something unique and different. Some are even capable of colour changing and RGB customisation – though these sabres may be more costly than their standard counterparts.


Kybers is a fully integrated, intelligent platform for Slack that offers powerful apps to assist teams in working more efficiently. Users can easily create tasks, announcements, meetings and personal to-do lists; team collaboration on projects, tracking progress; and improving communication are just some of its many capabilities.

Kyber crystals power Star Wars lightsabers. At first, these colourless crystals remain colourless until attuned with one or more Jedi, after which they glow blue or green energy (or, in rare instances, another shade). Plasma from this process forms the blade and hilt for each lightsaber’s construction.

In the Expanded Canon, one kyber crystal can power an entire weapon, such as a blaster or lightsaber; however, its energy would eventually run out, and a replacement crystal would need to be purchased to reactivate it.

Vader’s Vault

Vader’s Vault of Cumming, Georgia, has taken extraordinary measures to craft some of the finest lightsabers. Their lightsabers have been featured on many popular YouTube channels and are among their community’s top vendors.

Deana and Alan Johnson didn’t initially set out to create sabers as a career but quickly found solace in saber crafting as therapy after suffering broken legs. Their hobby quickly flourished into a community dedicated to “saber crafting”. Demand quickly increased for their creations.

Stepping inside Vader’s Vault workshop could give anyone the impression they’ve entered an unexpected business. Employees can be seen working on intricate hilt designs and circuitry; others hand-weathering sabers with features typically only found on more costly swords like Plecter Labs Pixel blade technology that provides realistic extensions, retractions, and Flash on Clash features.


The Encalife Galaxy & Star Projector is an exciting way to add drama and excitement to any room. Using multiple colours to produce realistic-looking galaxies and nebula images, plus an exciting mode that changes colour and movement for an intense light show, this projector makes every space exciting! Easily controlled via Wi-Fi connectivity or Amazon Alexa/Google Home compatibility, so it can even be managed from your phone!

Light projection is not scientifically accurate or synchronised to music or sounds, and rather it creates a stylised atmosphere to evoke feelings rather than scientific reality.

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Star Wars fans are familiar with its iconic Saber Force collection lightsabers, but did you know there are several types? From its signature blue blade to the yellow ones used by Temple Guards, each has a distinct purpose in the faraway galaxy.

Jedi use their sabers for various tasks, from mediation to combat, symbolising their strength and connection to the Force, serving as a rite of passage and badge of office for their apprentices.

Constructing a lightsaber is an art passed down from Jedi Knights and Masters to their Padawans. A Padawan must select their hilt or Kybertron before fashioning it into a weapon.

Numerous manufacturers provide replicas of the on-screen Saber Force collection lightsaber, from simple plastic toys to the more advanced Master Replicas series. These deluxe replicas allow users to “duel” with their lightsabers while offering realistic sound and lighting effects – far surpassing any pop-up plastic toys at Walmart!